Information and support in other languages
Ovarian Cancer Australia do not yet have resources developed in languages other than English, however we have compiled a list of organisations that have information and resources translated in multiple langauges.
Our accessibility toolbar can also be used to translate information and resources across our pages into languages other than English, including our Resilience Kit and other booklets. The toolbar also has a number of other accessibility features that you may wish to use.
Organisations and resources:
Cancer Australia has produced a range of resources about cancer which have been translated into other languages
The Cancer Institute of New South Wales has developed a suite of multilingual resources to assist cancer patients and carers from culturally and linguistically diverse communities to obtain an understanding of cancer and cancer care. The multilingual resources are available in eight languages – Arabic, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean.
The Institute has also produced a number of multilingual fact sheets for patients, their families and carers.
Speak to a member of our specialist support team in your own language
You can find out more information about ovarian cancer and speak with an Ovarian Cancer Australia support team member in a language other than English with the help of an interpreter.
To speak with a support team member, follow these steps:
Call 13 14 50, Monday to Friday 9.30 am – 4.30 pm.
Say the language you need.
Wait on the line for an interpreter (may take up to 3 minutes).
Ask the interpreter to contact Ovarian Cancer Australia 1300 660 334
Talk with a support worker with the help of an interpreter.
This free confidential service is for anyone wanting information on Ovarian Cancer, including family members, carers and friends and will cost the same as a local call (mobile excluded).